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Panel 1:
Matt pulls off the wooden door, revealing a small living space within the mainframe, complete with a shitty couch.
Tony: You woke us up to show the hobo lady?
Matt: YES. But not for the reasons you think.
Panel 2:
Matt begins to move a crate on the floor.
Tony: Nobody's even here, Matt.
Matt: Hold on!
Mistaire: disgusting.
Panel 3:
Matt reveals a hole under the crate, with a ladder leading down. He points down the hole.
Matt: In we go!
Panel 4:
Closeup on the manhole.
Tony (off-panel): ...The heck?
Matt (off-panel): Just do it!
Panel 5:
The three descend down the hole, Matt and Tony climbing and Mistaire hovering to the side.
Mistaire: Wait...What am I doing this for?
Tony: This is the weirdest thing you've ever made me do, Matt.
Matt: Just DO it already!
Panel 6:
Matt reaches the end of the ladder and jumps off into a larger room.
Matt: We're here!
Panel 7:
The underground room is not much larger than the aboveground area, has several wooden crates strewn around, a few ratty posters, and a worn-out mattress on the floor. A large computer consumes the right wall.
Mistaire (off-panel): a dump.

Wait a minute. On the last page the three approach the mainframe then disappear. Then on this page they're just now entering. Man, I fucked it up. Also, check out the Donkey Kong poster.

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