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Panel 1:
Mistaire crosses her arms sternly.
Mistaire: We're NOT following him.
Tony: I don't want to either. Matt's inSANE.
Panel 2:
Matt, on a rooftop nearby, calls out to them through the window.
Matt: If you don't follow me I'm coming back tomorrow night!
Tony: ...Dammit, he totally will. Let's just humor him.
Panel 3:
Matt leads Tony (in Laserhawk mode) and Mistaire over the roofs.
Tony: Matt, where are you taking us? It'd better not be McDonalds again.
Matt: You wish!
Panel 4:
The buildings give way to trees as they reach the edge of town. Matt jumps off a roof, swinging his controller wildly.
Matt: Not much farther now!
Panel 5:
Matt leads them to a boxy structure between two trees.
Matt: Here we are!
Panel 6:
Zooming out, we see that the building they've entered is a huge computer mainframe, complete with bizarre lights and vaccum tubes sticking out the sides, with a hole cut in its casing blocked with a wooden door.
Tony (off-panel): ...Hey. This is where that hobo lady lives, isn't it?
Matt (off-panel): Yeah, isn't it great?

I...don't actually know how to draw a 60's style computer mainframe. Now, you can say a lot about Matt, but one thing he isn't is clueless. He's not always on the ball, but he KNOWS how his friends tick and how they think of him. He can manipulate them by being simply crazy. Smart lad.

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