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Panel 1:
Tony, in his boxers, makes angry jazzhands at Matt.
Tony: This would've been funnier without the breaking and entering!
Matt: So who's the babe?
Panel 2:
Matt crouches down next to Mistaire, who is still asleep.
Tony: She's nobody! Don't touch her!
Matt: She's got like the dumbest haircut, man.
Panel 3:
The noise wakes Mistaire, who rubs one eye.
Mistaire: Huh?
Panel 4:
Noticing the stranger looming over her, Mistaire tosses a fireball at Matt.
Mistaire: Fuck!
Panel 5:
Tony freaks out Mistaire chants angry magic, preparing to hurt Matt more.
Tony: Stooop, you're gonna wake my parents!
Panel 6:
Matt climbs out the window again, getting his shoes all over Tony's bedsheets in the process.
Matt: Look, just follow me, okay? Do your wings thing and hurry up.
Panel 7:
Matt jumps around over the rooftops.
Mistaire (off-panel): Oh, great! Who else knows?!
Tony (off-panel): I swear I didn't do anything!

Mistaire wears a tank top with pajama bottles to bed. That...that's more clothes than she wears in the day. Welp, nobody ever accused aliens of being normal. And that's just great.

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