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Panel 1:
Matt, who has somehow gained entrance to Tony's house, taps a sleeping Tony on the forehead. He wakes up groggily.
Matt: Hey. Hey Tony. Hey, hey Tony. I like the things ya do-o, Hey Tony!
Tony: Huh?
Panel 2:
Matt is crouching on Tony's bed, pretty much straddling Tony, who freaks out for obvious reasons.
Matt: HIIIIiii, Tony!
Tony: AAH. Matt, what the hell?!
Panel 3:
Matt removes his sunglasses and smiles goofily.
Matt: I came through the window. Knew you wouldn't mind.
Panel 4:
Tony turns on his lamp. The sudden light change stuns Matt.
Matt: GAAAAAH, bright light! Dude, I've been running around in the dark!
Panel 5:
Tony climbs out of bed.
Tony: Matt, what the HELL. I thought you grew out of this when we were EIGHT.
Panel 6:
Matt stands up and puts his glasses back on. Strikes a pose!
Matt: Ha hah, good times. No, this isn't abotu forming a human wolf pack. Tonight, I'm kind of like Batman.

Matt's a wonder of science. Someday I MUST show a flashback to the human wolf pack thing, it'd be so great.

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