Panel 1:
Mistaire sits down properly and buckles up. Off-panel we hear the CLIK of her seat belt.
Mistaire: Well that's just great. So we can't mindwipe her?
Sargreon (off-panel): Not without removing part of her brain.
Panel 2:
Tony holds onto Clarisse, who is cowering in his lap. He seems to have temporarily gotten over his shyness with her.
Tony: Um...what's biomedically defensive?
Clarisse: Don't take my brain!
Panel 3:
Mistaire laughs and points at Sargreon.
Sargreon: BioMAGICALLY. It just means her aura deflects magic. She can see through the illusion I cast.
Mistaire: So it's your FACE she's scared of, isn't it?
Panel 4:
Mistaire laughs and holds her sides while Sargreon glares at her. In the back seat, Clarisse is making a cross with her fingers again.
Mistaire: Ha! Ugly!
Sargreon: On my planet we could say the same of you, Mistaire.
Tony: It's okay, really! Hey, you're creepin' me out with that church thingie.
Clarisse: Aaaah...
Panel 5:
Tony grabs Clarisse's wrists and puts her hands at her sides.
Tony: These guys are aliens, not demons, so you can relax okay? Wait, that came out wrong...
Clarisse: ..WHAT?
Panel 6:
The 'car' drives down the street, nothing out of the ordinary.
Tony (off-panel): Look, you don't have to be scared, I promise!
Clarisse (off-panel): Well...if YOU say so, then I think I'll be fine.
Panel 7:
The spaceship flies off.
Tony (off-panel): ...Wait, you know who I am?
Clarisse (off-panel): ...No, not really.
End of chapter 2! So, what we know now is that Clarisse's religious habits creep Tony out juuuuust a little bit. But it does work to his advantage, she still sees him as an angel and is willing to listen to him. And wow, Sargreon. Don't bash on Mistaire man, she's not ugly. Learn to talk to teenagers, for cheezus sake.
Mistaire sits down properly and buckles up. Off-panel we hear the CLIK of her seat belt.
Mistaire: Well that's just great. So we can't mindwipe her?
Sargreon (off-panel): Not without removing part of her brain.
Panel 2:
Tony holds onto Clarisse, who is cowering in his lap. He seems to have temporarily gotten over his shyness with her.
Tony: Um...what's biomedically defensive?
Clarisse: Don't take my brain!
Panel 3:
Mistaire laughs and points at Sargreon.
Sargreon: BioMAGICALLY. It just means her aura deflects magic. She can see through the illusion I cast.
Mistaire: So it's your FACE she's scared of, isn't it?
Panel 4:
Mistaire laughs and holds her sides while Sargreon glares at her. In the back seat, Clarisse is making a cross with her fingers again.
Mistaire: Ha! Ugly!
Sargreon: On my planet we could say the same of you, Mistaire.
Tony: It's okay, really! Hey, you're creepin' me out with that church thingie.
Clarisse: Aaaah...
Panel 5:
Tony grabs Clarisse's wrists and puts her hands at her sides.
Tony: These guys are aliens, not demons, so you can relax okay? Wait, that came out wrong...
Clarisse: ..WHAT?
Panel 6:
The 'car' drives down the street, nothing out of the ordinary.
Tony (off-panel): Look, you don't have to be scared, I promise!
Clarisse (off-panel): Well...if YOU say so, then I think I'll be fine.
Panel 7:
The spaceship flies off.
Tony (off-panel): ...Wait, you know who I am?
Clarisse (off-panel): ...No, not really.
End of chapter 2! So, what we know now is that Clarisse's religious habits creep Tony out juuuuust a little bit. But it does work to his advantage, she still sees him as an angel and is willing to listen to him. And wow, Sargreon. Don't bash on Mistaire man, she's not ugly. Learn to talk to teenagers, for cheezus sake.
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