Panel 1:
Clarisse freaks and puts her fingers into a cross formation. She backs up against Tony, embarassing him and causing his wings to foosh out, and slightly nudging Mistaire on the shoulder.
Clarisse: AAAH DEMON!
Mistaire: ...Sheez!
Panel 2:
Sargreon walks up to the three kids angrily. Mistaire starts to argue with him while Clarisse distresses.
Sargreon: Mistaire, what did you do?
Mistaire: What did I do? What did you do?
Panel 3:
Mistaire flails wildly, while Sargreon becomes nervous and herds them into the ship.
Mistaire: I thought you wiped her brain! And you keep telling ME not to mess up!
Sargreon: Look, just get in the ship. Anthony, power down.
Panel 4:
The 'car' drives out of the school cul-de-sac circle thing.
Sargreon (off-panel): Why am I constantly plagued by CHILDREN?
Panel 5:
Inside the ship, Mistaire leans over the back of the front seat, while Tony consoles Clarisse in the back.
Mistaire: Okay, this is weird. What's her problem?
Clarisse: Guh..wha...
Tony: Clarisse, it's okay! What's WRONG?
Panel 6:
Sargreon keeps his hands at ten and two and has his eyes on the road. Even the two hidden ones.
Sargreon: This actually isn't unusual, Mistaire. She's probably just biomagically defensive. And put your seatbelt on.
In the first panel you can't really tell from all the lines, but Clarisse is making a cross with her fingers. She's that kind of person. Hmmm, I think the position of the steering wheel in that ship changes later on. Here it's on the right side (which is so totally alien I can't believe it), later it's on the left like all cars should be. I need to pick a side here. Also, why are they leaving in the middle of the school day? I think Sargreon was camping out there because he figured there was bound to be trouble.
Clarisse freaks and puts her fingers into a cross formation. She backs up against Tony, embarassing him and causing his wings to foosh out, and slightly nudging Mistaire on the shoulder.
Clarisse: AAAH DEMON!
Mistaire: ...Sheez!
Panel 2:
Sargreon walks up to the three kids angrily. Mistaire starts to argue with him while Clarisse distresses.
Sargreon: Mistaire, what did you do?
Mistaire: What did I do? What did you do?
Panel 3:
Mistaire flails wildly, while Sargreon becomes nervous and herds them into the ship.
Mistaire: I thought you wiped her brain! And you keep telling ME not to mess up!
Sargreon: Look, just get in the ship. Anthony, power down.
Panel 4:
The 'car' drives out of the school cul-de-sac circle thing.
Sargreon (off-panel): Why am I constantly plagued by CHILDREN?
Panel 5:
Inside the ship, Mistaire leans over the back of the front seat, while Tony consoles Clarisse in the back.
Mistaire: Okay, this is weird. What's her problem?
Clarisse: Guh..wha...
Tony: Clarisse, it's okay! What's WRONG?
Panel 6:
Sargreon keeps his hands at ten and two and has his eyes on the road. Even the two hidden ones.
Sargreon: This actually isn't unusual, Mistaire. She's probably just biomagically defensive. And put your seatbelt on.
In the first panel you can't really tell from all the lines, but Clarisse is making a cross with her fingers. She's that kind of person. Hmmm, I think the position of the steering wheel in that ship changes later on. Here it's on the right side (which is so totally alien I can't believe it), later it's on the left like all cars should be. I need to pick a side here. Also, why are they leaving in the middle of the school day? I think Sargreon was camping out there because he figured there was bound to be trouble.
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