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Panel 1:
Mistaire and Tony (in Laserhawk form) stand on a rooftop.
Mistaire: So, what's up with your girlfriend?
Tony: Clarisse isn't my girlfriend! She's just a girl from trig class. ...Okay so I've liked her since the fifth grade. Shut up.
Panel 2:
Zooming out, we see that they're on the roof of Tony's school. Students are walking out of the building.
Tony: ...You're sure nobody can see us?
Mistaire: YES. Sheez. So, are any of these humans your friends?
Panel 3:
Closeup on Matt and Josh, walking home from school. Matt doing exposition jazzhands and Josh is staring into space.
Tony (off-panel): Yeah, there's Matt and Josh. We've known each other since we were six. Josh's kinda into that 'goth' stuff.
Panel 4:
Closeup on Josh alone.
Mistaire (off-panel): Goth?
Tony (off-panel): That's when you wear black and write bad poetry.
Mistaire (off-panel): Sounds stupid.
Tony (off-panel): Yeah, but we don't tell him that. He used to be normal, then we got to high school. Now he's all mopey and crud.
Josh: Everything sucks.
Panel 5:
Closeup on Matt, who is making gestures that have no real meaning.
Tony (off-panel): And's...unique? He thinks he was Napoleon in a past life.
Mistaire (off-panel): Who?
Tony (off-panel): Nevermind.
Matt: And that's how ketchup is made...for the DAMNED!
Panel 6:
Closeup on Clarisse and Taylor walking home, both looking happy. Clarisse is listening to headphones.
Mistaire (off-panel): Oooh, there's your girlfriend.
Tony (off-panel): Is not!
Mistaire (off-panel): She looks...well adjusted.

New chapter! Well, I wish I could tell you what Matt is going on about but nobody EVER really knows what Matt is going on about. And Josh...while he's a fully developed character in his own right I can't resist using him for parody of the Hot Topic crowd. Hey man, I shop at Hot Topic, no big deal. But it's still fun for me to poke fun at those kinds of people. I've also been told that Josh's gothyness is hot. Go figure.

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