Panel 1:
Sargreon and Tony speak in profile.
Sargreon: Anthony, perhaps you can make yourself look like you once were. Try dampening your magic.
Tony: ...Huh?
Panel 2:
Tony stands there, cluelessly, expecting something to happen.
Sargreon: Erm...'power down.' Concentrate on becoming calm, if you're truly integrated with the Laserhawk body, it should be like controlling your breathing.
Tony: Okay. Um...like this?
Sargreon: ...I don't think you're actually doing anything.
Panel 3:
Tony closes his eyes and concentrates.
Tony: Uuuuum...
Panel 4:
Tony's hair and ears return to normal, and his wings begin to fade.
Panel 5:
Tony, having returned to fully human form, opens his eyes.
Tony: ...Did anything happen?
Panel 6:
Mistaire smiles. Tony raises his hands enthusiastically, and his excitement causes his wings to return.
Mistaire: You did it! (Though you did look better without the nubears...)
Tony: Whoo-hoo!
Panel 7:
Mistaire points to Tony's wings.
Mistaire: Um...you jinxed it.
Tony: ...Oh.
Wow, how do you speak in parentheses? Mistaire, you are a wonder. So, by 'nubear' she means human ears, which are round (duh) as opposed to Etherean ears, which are pointed. I differentiate humans from aliens by having only humans, excluding those with some kind of superpower or mutation, with round ears. Aliens always have some other shape of ear. Another thing I've addressed here is how the hell magic is supposed to work. I mean, some people write magic like a psychic power, something you just KNOW how to use. Other times it's a formula, you put some newt parts in a pot and say some words, BAM. Anyone can do it. But if you have the innate psychic magic but never used it before, how do you know what to do? I guess it'd be like having an extra limb grafted on and not knowing which muscles to move. I had that feeling once...until very recently I didn't realize that a certain movement wasn't raising my eyebrows but wiggling my ears! And when other people try to do that, they'll make some weird concentraty face and be like, 'watch, am I doing it?' That's what I imagine magic is like for Tony.
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