Panel 1:
Sargreon does explanatory jazzhands at Mistaire and Tony, who look at each other nervously.
Sargreon: You're his summoner. I suppose you can't control him like a normal Laserhawk, but the idea is the same.
Panel 2:
Mistaire points frantically at Tony while Sargreon rubs his chin(?).
Sargreon: If you two are separated, he might stop existing altogether.
Tony: WHAT?!
Mistaire: So we have to take him home with us?!
Panel 3:
The back of Sargreon's head speaks to Mistaire, who is stressed.
Sargreon: We can't. He's proof that we've tampered with a developing planet.
Mistaire: Then what DO we do?!
Panel 4:
Sargreon leers at Tony, who begins to worry.
Sargreon: I'm not totally convinced that the spell is irreversable. We'll stay wtih him until I can find a cure.
Panel 5:
Mistaire clutches her head and whines while Tony just stares vacantly, trying to get a grasp on his situation.
Mistaire: Aaaugh! I'm going to miss prom!
Tony: I'm gonna live with ALIENS?!
Panel 6:
Reaction shot of a frustrated, impatient Sargreon.
Sargreon: Whiny children give me such a headache...
Actually, funny thing here. Mistaire's on summer vacation. This will be important in a later chapter. The thing is...prom is months away. She's...obsessed with prom. That or I didn't think it through when I made prom a recurring complaint of hers. Also, should've called it Space Prom. The difference between space prom and regular prom is that space proms can divide by zero. Thaaat's the ticket.
Sargreon does explanatory jazzhands at Mistaire and Tony, who look at each other nervously.
Sargreon: You're his summoner. I suppose you can't control him like a normal Laserhawk, but the idea is the same.
Panel 2:
Mistaire points frantically at Tony while Sargreon rubs his chin(?).
Sargreon: If you two are separated, he might stop existing altogether.
Tony: WHAT?!
Mistaire: So we have to take him home with us?!
Panel 3:
The back of Sargreon's head speaks to Mistaire, who is stressed.
Sargreon: We can't. He's proof that we've tampered with a developing planet.
Mistaire: Then what DO we do?!
Panel 4:
Sargreon leers at Tony, who begins to worry.
Sargreon: I'm not totally convinced that the spell is irreversable. We'll stay wtih him until I can find a cure.
Panel 5:
Mistaire clutches her head and whines while Tony just stares vacantly, trying to get a grasp on his situation.
Mistaire: Aaaugh! I'm going to miss prom!
Tony: I'm gonna live with ALIENS?!
Panel 6:
Reaction shot of a frustrated, impatient Sargreon.
Sargreon: Whiny children give me such a headache...
Actually, funny thing here. Mistaire's on summer vacation. This will be important in a later chapter. The thing is...prom is months away. She's...obsessed with prom. That or I didn't think it through when I made prom a recurring complaint of hers. Also, should've called it Space Prom. The difference between space prom and regular prom is that space proms can divide by zero. Thaaat's the ticket.
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