Panel 1:
Sargreon gets up, bracing his back.
Sargreon: Mistaire, try a standard disenchantment spell.
Mistaire: 'Kay.
Panel 2:
Mistaire and Sargreon stand over a confused Tony, hands out for spellcasting.
Sargreon: I'll make sure it doesn't kill him.
Mistaire: ...Okay.
Tony: Whut.
Panel 3:
Mistaire chants magic runes and glows. Tony screams in pain as a vague Laserhawk form rises out of his body. His hair and ears start to return to normal. Sargreon looks alarmed and signals for Mistaire to stop.
Sargreon: Stop! Stop! I think you're pulling his soul out of his body.
Panel 4:
Mistaire stops her spell and becomes concerned for Tony, who is holding his hands over his head. His hair, ears, and wings all return.
Mistaire: Oh, sheez! Are you okay?
Tony: Aaaaugh, why do you people keep hurting me?!
Mistaire: I'm sorry! I'm SO sorry!
Panel 5:
Tony holds his hand over his heart in pain, panting heavily. Sargreon waves his hand over him.
Sargreon: I'm healing you now. Better?
And lo, Tony's main weakness is exposed. Disenchantment spells simply erase other spells, very common in a magical world. It's as if he were weak against say, Windex. And that's gotta suck.
Sargreon gets up, bracing his back.
Sargreon: Mistaire, try a standard disenchantment spell.
Mistaire: 'Kay.
Panel 2:
Mistaire and Sargreon stand over a confused Tony, hands out for spellcasting.
Sargreon: I'll make sure it doesn't kill him.
Mistaire: ...Okay.
Tony: Whut.
Panel 3:
Mistaire chants magic runes and glows. Tony screams in pain as a vague Laserhawk form rises out of his body. His hair and ears start to return to normal. Sargreon looks alarmed and signals for Mistaire to stop.
Sargreon: Stop! Stop! I think you're pulling his soul out of his body.
Panel 4:
Mistaire stops her spell and becomes concerned for Tony, who is holding his hands over his head. His hair, ears, and wings all return.
Mistaire: Oh, sheez! Are you okay?
Tony: Aaaaugh, why do you people keep hurting me?!
Mistaire: I'm sorry! I'm SO sorry!
Panel 5:
Tony holds his hand over his heart in pain, panting heavily. Sargreon waves his hand over him.
Sargreon: I'm healing you now. Better?
And lo, Tony's main weakness is exposed. Disenchantment spells simply erase other spells, very common in a magical world. It's as if he were weak against say, Windex. And that's gotta suck.
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