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Panel 1:
Mistaire, Sargreon, and Tony sit on the expansive surface of the moon.
Tony: What's going to happen to me?
Mistaire: Well, we'll change you to normal, put you back on your home planet, and make you forget this ever happened.
Panel 2:
Closeup on Tony, looking disappointed. Sargreon looms over him with eyes whited out and hands glowing magically.
Tony: ...Oh. That sucks.
Panel 3:
Mistaire sits cross-legged, head tilted to the side as she talks.
Mistaire: Sorry, but it's the law. Your planet still doesn't have magic OR decent space travel. We can't interfere, you're supposed to make contact on your own.
Panel 4:
Side shot of Tony and Mistaire. Mistair holds her chin in thought. Sargreon edges into the panel just barely, still doing his creepy magic juju.
Tony: ...Why?!
Mistaire: Does your planet have one developed culture that kind of stomps out all the others 'cause it's 'better?'
Tony: Sort of...Oh, I get it.
Panel 5:
More talking and sitting around.
Tony: But...don't laugh, but I've always had this memory of being in space. I think I was abducted when I was a baby.
Mistaire: Um, nope. Illegal. You're probably just crazy.
Panel 6:
Sargreon gets a little closer between Tony and Mistaire.
Tony: Dang. So how can we breathe up here?
Mistaire: Magic.
Tony: And how come you speak English?
Mistaire: What's English?
Tony: Okay, never mind. ...What's he DOING?

Wow, too much exposition in such a small place. And some of it doesn't even explain anything! If you're going to explain everything away with magic then why bother asking the questions? I don't know. Anyways...Tony thinks he's an abductee. Keep in mind, this is the most normal character in the story, and he gets alien superpowers, and thinks he's an abductee. Is it true? It could be. Or not.

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