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Panel 1:
A crowd stares at Tony, who is tring to brake in midair frantically. Mistaire flies in after him. In the crowd are Matt, Josh, Taylor, and Clarisse.
Tony (thinking): Stupid stupid stupid
Mistaire: You IDIOT!
Clarisse: Oh noes!
Panel 2:
Tony starts to fall. Mistaire, floating in midair, yells at him more.
Mistaire: ...Oh come ON! Flap your wings! You don't levitate like I do!
Panel 3:
Taylor and Mistaire look up at the commotion.
Taylor: Are those the ones you told me about?
Clarisse (nervously): ...Yes...
Panel 4:
Matt and Josh look up with slight interest.
Matt: ...Is that Tony?
Josh: Eeeyep.
Panel 5:
Gag shot of Matt and Josh.
Matt: Should we do something?
Josh: Nah.
Panel 6:
Tony flaps awkwardly as he and Mistaire flee the scene.
Tony: Quick, erase their memories!
Mistaire: I don't know that spell yet!
Panel 7:
Reaction shot of a nervous Mistaire.
Mistaire: I don't think it'd work on that many people at once anyways.
Panel 8:
The two put some distance between themselves and the school.
Tony: ...We're in trouble.
Mistaire (angrily): YOU'RE in trouble!

Whenever Mistaire flies she tends to look like she's lying down and rolling around lazily. That's just her style and I'm fond of the effect. Sometimes it seems like she flies more than she walks. Tony doesn't have that luxury because he flaps instead of levitates. Makes it harder to control where he's going, but he can use the wind to get himself places instead of relying entirely on his magic. So it's an even trade, I think.

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