Panel 1:
Tony runs off in one direction after the Laserhawk beam while Matt and Josh walk off in another, completely oblivious.
Tony: It's getting lower!
Matt: All this time I thought it was called the Michaelangelo Theorem.
Panel 2:
Tony runs faster, panting.
Panel 3:
The beam twists and turns, making KRACKALACKA sounds.
Panel 4:
Closeup on Tony's amazed expression.
Panel 5:
Wumpf! Tony runs into Clarisse from behind.
Panel 6:
Tony looks upwards. Clarisse holds her book to her chest, and glances sideways at Tony.
Tony: Aw, I lost it...
Clarisse: ExCUSE me.
Panel 7:
Zoom out, we can see Clarisse has been walking home with Taylor. Matt is walking of with Josh. Tony realizes who he bumped into, and blushes madly.
Tony: ...Hiiii?
Matt: And I had a thesis prepared and everything!
First appearance of Taylor and Clarisse! At this point in the story, Taylor's gender is left ambiguous. In retrospect I should've enclosed the last bit in a real panel.
Tony runs off in one direction after the Laserhawk beam while Matt and Josh walk off in another, completely oblivious.
Tony: It's getting lower!
Matt: All this time I thought it was called the Michaelangelo Theorem.
Panel 2:
Tony runs faster, panting.
Panel 3:
The beam twists and turns, making KRACKALACKA sounds.
Panel 4:
Closeup on Tony's amazed expression.
Panel 5:
Wumpf! Tony runs into Clarisse from behind.
Panel 6:
Tony looks upwards. Clarisse holds her book to her chest, and glances sideways at Tony.
Tony: Aw, I lost it...
Clarisse: ExCUSE me.
Panel 7:
Zoom out, we can see Clarisse has been walking home with Taylor. Matt is walking of with Josh. Tony realizes who he bumped into, and blushes madly.
Tony: ...Hiiii?
Matt: And I had a thesis prepared and everything!
First appearance of Taylor and Clarisse! At this point in the story, Taylor's gender is left ambiguous. In retrospect I should've enclosed the last bit in a real panel.
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